In Brief:
- During the Covid-19 lockdown, overdoses have increased to a level higher than that of Covid-19 deaths.
- Put medical professionals back in their role of prescribing opioid pain medications.
- Expand decriminalization of drugs, with the goal of legalization, to encourage users out of the dark and more comfortable to reach out for recovery and rehab support.
- Support local law enforcement to keep streets clear and criminal element at bay.
- Create an probationary work opportunity program for low-skill workers, high-risk drug users, and new immigrants who have not yet learned English.
- We reject “stabilization care” that had previously been floated by the NDP government.
At Length:
Despite increased efforts and funding being directed toward reducing Fentanyl and Carfentanyl deaths, we have seen 14,000 overdose deaths since the Public Health Officer declared a health emergency. In 2023 alone more than 2,500 British Columbians died of drug overdose. In the entirety of the pandemic just over 5,000 British Columbians perished with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and for that the entire province was shut down. It’s time to acknowledge this emergency.
The lockdowns and mandates during the Covid-19 pandemic definitely contributed to increase in substance abuse, when “deaths of despair” in general rose. Economic desperation contributes to substance abuse and other social ills.
There are no easy solutions but BC Libertarians have policy proposals for immediate relief to users and the community, with the ultimate goal of eventually ending prohibition, that would further help to mitigate the damage of the toxic drug supply.
Recent pressure imposed upon doctors to stop or reduce prescribing opioid pain medication has driven some chronic pain sufferers to turn to the streets for a viable alternative. Unfortunately, that supply is either tainted or impossible to find on the black market. There is a stigma attached to hard drug use, but in reality many of them have medical applications, including pain killers, anxiety relief, and mental health stabilization. That leaves the sufferer with no other option than to buy fake pain medication, which are obviously not made by chemists but rather drug dealers and other criminals. Dosage is not controlled so people end up overdosing with what looks like, ostensibly, a “normal” dose. Fentanyl and Carfentanyl have swept into the drug supply via other, less-deadly drugs such as heroin. Users often do not even know they are using Fentanyl. Our proposal will return authority to medical professionals to prescribe opioid-based pain medication so some users are never forced to turn to these more dangerous avenues. Doctors and Pharmacists are in the best position to control clean supply and manage any potential for addiction or rehabilitation if necessary.
With the help and approval of municipalities, BC Libertarians propose a pilot project where qualified people or organizations would be permitted to test street drugs for purity. Hidden Fentanyl would become known to the user and they can make an informed choice. Information about tainted supply would also be discovered sooner, potentially saving lives.
We must help addicts by deprioritizing prosecution for drug use. Prosecution simply does not help with addiction. Because of the risk of prosecution many users will not reach out for help, in fear of reprimand, so the rehabilitation and recovery resources that already exist in our communities are under-utilized.
Prohibition of drugs has failed in its purpose of protection people from the harms of drug use. The BCLP would introduce a plan for the legal production and sale of hard drugs. In doing so it would allow for reputable businesses – pharmacies and government-approved dispensaries to begin – to start the sale of the products. Many advocates have proclaimed the toxic drug supply is the main driver of overdose deaths, and simply decriminalizing drugs does not address that.
One of the greatest criticisms of decriminalization is that it has been equated with the rampant rise in homeless encampments on our streets and criminal activity among users. The BCLP is very sympathetic to these concerns because property rights are one of the pillars of libertarianism. While bringing the sale of these drugs off the streets would immediately ease some of the criminal aspect, we also realize that there is the need to increase a police presence to keep our streets safe. Police departments in our cities would be given a mandate by the B.C Solicitor General to prevent tent cities from escalating, legalizing the use of vacant industrial buildings for temporary housing (rental or purchase of which would be from property owners through voluntary transaction, not force) and work with local non-profit shelters to create short-term housing options. And those that resist relocation or are consistently found to be disrespecting property rights and creating safety concerns on our streets will need to be dealt with through prosecution. But the BCLP believes that in combination with our other policies that fewer people would delve into the world of homelessness and criminal activity due to an increase in standard of living.
The BCLP believes in the right to work. The establishment of a high minimum wage – recently increased to $17.40 per hour – may be well-intentioned but is keeping young people out of the entry-level jobs they need in order to gain work experience, and hope for desirable future employment. The same principle applies to low-skilled workers, those with English as a second language, and anyone who struggles with retaining housing. The BCLP proposes a temporary-worker program that would give an entry point for low-skilled workers, illiterate migrants, and those with high-risk of drug abuse. The employer would knowingly hire these workers with the opportunity to pay less than minimum wage for a probationary period of six months. After that, regular minimum wage laws would come back into effect. This would give workers an opportunity to boost a resume, create workplace references, and gain income in an environment that is empathetic to their struggles.
The NDP has previously tabled a bill for “stabilization care” for minors who experience an overdose. Under this plan kids are locked up for one week, against their will and that of their parents or guardians. While Bill 22 is now on the scrap heap of failed legislation, the BCLP is vocally opposed to this approach to harm reduction. Though the intention to prevent children from re-harming themselves is in itself worthy, we believe that this is likely to further stigmatize addiction and drive kids into hiding rather than seeking help. Even more importantly, it is not the proper role of government to lock people up against their will when they are not a danger to others.