I have had countless questions about ‘wasting a vote’.  Voting who you truly want to is never a waste and if we stopped voting ‘strategically’ and with our hearts and conscience we would all be better off.

New Zealand just had their General Election last weekend.  The ACT party (a very similar party to ours) went from 0.5% popular vote to 8% and now has 10 seats.  Diversity in our politics is very important.  If we continue to only elect people from large parties, we will never have a truly independent voice.

I truly value free thinking.  I believe every human being should be free to pursue their vision of a better life, as long as they never harm another person while doing so.  Many people read this as individualistic and selfish.  I read it as inspiring.  I’m very selfish!  I want the community, province and country I live in to be the best it can be so that it continues to be an amazing place to live for myself and my two boys.  That is why I led a massive community initiative inspiring thousands in Penticton.  That is why I became President of the Okanagan School of the Arts to try and save the Shatford Centre so the community could continue to enjoy it.  That is why I opened the Westside’s first Coworking Space so there is a place for individuals and businesses to work, collaborate and do great things.

For me, not using my talents and knowledge to help as many people as possible is hurting them, so I continue to spend countless hours helping the communities I live and work in.

Choosing to vote for a smaller party is difficult.  The way our political system is designed it may feel like you are wasting your vote, or that you are helping a candidate you don’t like by not voting who you truly want to vote for.  Nothing can be further from the truth.  We have an opportunity this election to show the politicians that we are craving something different.  That we are tired of political promises that only happen during an election. That we are tired of the divisive politics that is so prevalent in our society today.  This is our opportunity to show them that we are no longer willing to be manipulated by marketing.  We can stand up and say, “We want to truly be heard!”.

Thank you to everyone for an inspiring campaign.


Keith Macintyre

BC Libertarian Candidate
