Platform 2020Taxes PST on Private Vehicle Sales IN BRIEF The component of the; as it pertains to private citizens being taxed on…claytonwelwoodApril 10, 2023
InnovationTaxes Capitalism Gives You Time; the State Takes it Away In a recent episode of Power Hour, Alex Epstein interviews Dr. Saifedean Ammous on economics,…claytonwelwoodAugust 21, 2020
CommentaryTaxes Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste These are troubling times for anyone who is concerned about our individual rights and the…kylemccormackMay 2, 2020
Taxes Abolish the Income Tax As our tax code is currently written, the state has a claim to a large…claytonwelwoodApril 25, 2020
Taxes The State Giveth, and the State Taketh Away by Clayton Welwood - Candidate for North Vancouver - Seymour With an election half a…claytonwelwoodMarch 31, 2019