About Us

The British Columbia Libertarian Party was founded in 1986 to advocate for individual liberty, lower taxes, free markets, and social tolerance. Every British Columbian should be free to pursue their vision of a better life, as long as they never harm another person while doing so.


In this video, former Party Leader Keith MacIntyre explains what libertarianism is and how he got involved in the movement.

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Contact Us

The BC Libertarian Party is always looking for new members, potential candidates, and enthusiastic volunteers. Contact us today for more information on how you can get involved with your local association to help spread the message of liberty to every corner of British Columbia.

Mailing address:

British Columbia Libertarian Party

#204-3242 Westwood St, Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 3L8

[email protected]

You can contact the Party Leader, Alex Joehl at [email protected]